Halong Bay: Doing Exactly What I Wanted to Do!

By Mark Wiens 4 Comments

Sitting on my computer in University I would browse through articles like the 100 most beautiful places in the world, look at pictures of places like Halong Bay, and say to myself “I am for sure going there.”

And why not?  2.5 years of traveling from place to place and my opportunity finally came to visit Vietnam and take a trip to one of the very places that initially inspired my traveling habits, from across the world.

I know Halong Bay has been photographed a million times over and people have looked at countless pictures of the place.  These however are my real pictures that I took with my own camera representing more that just a beautiful place.  Though they don’t compare to the real sites, sounds, and experiences, the pictures represent a dream come true, a credible form of proof to show that dreams are possible and if you pursue what you want, and do what you say, you will surely succeed!

As I sipped my tea on the top deck of the Chinese junk, peering at the surreal sun setting over the gorgeous Halong Bay in Vietnam, I realized that I was doing exactly what I wanted to do.











I hope that maybe this can also inspire others to carry out their dreams and do exactly what they want to do!

-Migration Mark