Guide to the 4000 Islands of Laos: Don Det and Don Khon (Part 2)

By Mark Wiens 11 Comments

This is Part 2 of the Guide to the 4000 Islands of Laos covering Don Det and Don Khon. Check out Part 1 for information on How to Get to the 4000 Islands and Don Khong Island.

4000 Islands in Laos
4000 Islands Laos Map (Si Phan Don)

The 4000 islands are a part of Laos where life seems to go by without even knowing it. The peacefulness of the atmosphere and the calmness of the people, injects a virus that lures one into relaxation and a lack of desire to do anything productive. The sleepy islands make a perfect getaway from the sleepless noisy and chaotic cities of SE Asia.

Important Information

About Don Det Island

Don Det is the most popular and most lively island in the river archipelago. If typical backpackers come to the 4000 islands, this is their preferred island. If you are searching for bungalows overlooking the Mekong and a place to soak up the sun with a frenzy of other gap-year backpackers, you might love Don Det.

4000 Islands
View from Don Det Island

Places to Stay on Don Det

There are loads of guest houses and bungalows all over the entire island.

Mama Tanon Cafe and Guest House: 40,000 Kip ($5) for room with bathroom inside, great view of the river

Paradise Bungalows: 30,000 Kip ($3.75) for a bungalow overlooking the river

Where to Stay on Don Det
Paradise Bungalows, Don Det, Laos

Restaurants around the island are priced and cooked according to tourists. In my opinion, the food wasn’t great, but maybe if you like Western food there are some good options. Expect to pay 20,000 Kip ($2.50) or more for a decent meal.

Som Tam Laos
Papaya Salad on Don Det

Things to Do on Don Det Island

Actually there’s not much to do on Don Det island apart from chilling out:

I’ll just say this straight, you don’t really need to have anything to do (nor do you want to have anything to do) while staying on the island of Don Det!

Si Phan Don, Laos
Island Path, Don Det

Bridge From Don Det to Don Khon Island

Don Det and Don Khon
Bridge between Don Det and Don Khon

About Don Khon Island

If you want to get away from the main drag of stereotypical backpackers, don’t even bother with Don Det, but take the walk straight over to the less tourism-in-your-face Don Khon island. The bridge to Don Khon is about a 4 km walk from the main drop-off of Don Det.

In my opinion, Don Khon is much more appealing than Don Det, as there is less action taking place and a crowd that is there more to enjoy the serenity, than party it away.

Don Khon Laos
Relaxing on Don Khone Island

Note: If your boat drops you off at the main part of Don Det island, it’s about a 4 km walk (beautiful walk) to the strip of accommodation on Don Khon island.

Many travelers opt to bicycle over from Don Det for the day and are charged 20,000 Kip ($2.50) upon crossing the bridge (Note: If you want to stay on Don Khon, you can avoid the 20,000 Kip entrance fee).

Things to Do on Don Khon Island:

Don Khon Island
Tat Somphamit waterfall

Where to Stay on Don Khon Island

Pan’s Guest House: Nice double rooms for 30,000 Kip ($3.75) per night

Phon Vilay Guest House: Close to the temple on Don Khon, there are bungalows overlooking the river for 30,000 Kip ($3.75), bathroom en-suite

Kham Pheng Guest House: Another decent guest house with similar rates

Sala Done Khon Hotel: Offers maybe the fanciest accommodation on the surrounding islands. There very nice floating rooms that go for $50 per night.

Don Khon Hotel Options
On the Road, Don Khon Hotels

How to Get Off Of the 4000 Islands and to a Destination of Your Choice

There are many tour agencies that offer relatively the same prices to all sorts of destinations from Don Det and Don Khon. The closest city that most people head to is Pakse, Laos, costs 60,000 – 70,000 Kip ($7.50 – $8.74), including boat to Ban Nakasong and tourist oriented bus to Pakse.

Tour agencies can get transportation to all kinds of destinations in the area, better ask for details if you are looking at one of the longer routes.

1 USD = 8010 LAK (Kip)

Travel 4000 Island Prices
Getting off of the 4000 Islands (Si Phan Don)

Go to Part 1 for Information on How to Get to the 4000 Islands and Don Khong Island!