Carnivorous Meat Platter in Montevideo

By Mark Wiens 2 Comments

Parilla (Mixed Grill) for 3

Location: Montevideo, Uruguay
Restaurant: Estancia Del Puerto Restaurant in Mercado Del Puerto
Address: Mercado Del Puerto, Piedras 237, Montevideo, Uruguay
Cost: 695 UYU (Uruguayan Peso)- ($36.29 USD)

grill man at estancia del puerto

meat parilla in montevideo uruguay

meat platter in montevideo

Uruguay is far from having a meat drought, and if you are looking for one of those great times that you just let yourself go and stuff yourself full of meaty protein, Mercado Del Puerto is the place. I would recommend disregarding all repercussions, dropping the money, and worrying about consequences later. The man behind the grill can undoubtedly be fully trusted to handle a slab of protein with expertise.

The parilla grilled platter was stacked high with a range of greasy enthralling treats.  Grilled chicken, tender ribs, fat encased choripan sausage, some kind of pork and provolone cheese roll-up, and juicy steak, were a few of the materials used to construct the nourishing pyramid. It would not have been the same without the divine parsley and garlic powerful chimichurri sauce condiment.

Migration Mark Rating: 8.5/10